Victory High School Music Directors
1924 E. Clyde Beckett
1935 Leland C. Westfall
1939 William S. Tole
1940 Charles L. Taylor
1941 Orin Ford
1943 Winifred "Fritzi" White Bell (vocal)[1]
1946 A. W. Shaw
Robert Nutter
Rosemary Shingleton (vocal)
1950s-60s Helen Davisson Holden (vocal)
1957-1959 Henry Mayer (band)
1959-60 Otis Boyles (band)
1965 Sam DeMaria
[1] Winifred "Fritzi" Bell was listed as a music teacher in the FACULTY file, but inadvertently omitted from this list. Many thanks to Barbara Hamilton, one of Fritzi's vocal students in 1947, for bringing this to our attention, and to Ruby Mathews Casto ('47) for passing on the word. -ssb